

Maximize your revenue opportunities by developing sustainable relationship with Perform and get paid for every sale you generate. For qualifying publishers, take your program to the next level.

If you wish to become part of this program please register here

Affiliates program 

Now we will explain briefly how it works and how you have to links us.

You have a unique code that identifies you as our affiliate. For each user you redirect and makes a reservation, we will honor you commission on it. But you will also honor commission on any booking that a visitor to our site makes, for 30/60/120/365 days (contact us for more information about this) because we will drop a Cookie on the visitors PC which will indicate that any purchase made by the visitor through your site was referred to us by you.

In order to direct users we have prepared some example banners for your site. Of course you can use your own banners

Banner Demo 1
Banner Demo 2