Mount Rushmore | AllCheapFares

You may remember in history class the pictures of Mount Rushmore, but being there seeing it up close is a whole different story. You got to think how the heck Gutzon Borglem made this sculpture and the many years to do it and it still is not completed. Your body shiver as you stand there looking at this massive piece of art, you can feel the patriotism.. Looking from Mount Rushmore National Memorial you san see the badlands as far as the eyes can see.The badland are a wonderful and breathtaking. Made up of acres and acres of sharpy eroded buttes. Everywhere on the ground you will see fossils. I had the opportunity to go Over the badlands in a helicopter years back, I was amazed of how huge The Badland really was, they strech for miles. you will see many different types of wildlife, more antelop and prairie dogs than anything. Wall Drug just east of the Badlands is world known and has history behind it .. but it is a trap., all I think it is is a novelty and souvenier shop and mini Museum, the price seem to be very reasonable your curiosity's will have you stopping in, The rest areas are very nice and full of friendly people Throughout the state. Try to visit S. Dakota the begining of August during the Sturgis bike rally makes the trip more enjoyable everywhere you go you see bikes (harleys). and be sure to stop into the crowded town of Sturgis.